Image of a Gray Tree frog and a person surveying a marsh with the text Help Monitor our Marshes, Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program

Thank you for your interest in the Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program. 

By completing this form you will be added to the queue for route assignment and it will allow us to quickly and efficiently contact you during the season.  It is very important that you provide both your email and a snail mail address that functions at the beginning of March (we mail materials at the end of February). 

We will also update the file as we progress through the route assignment, material distribution process. Feel free to check back in anytime and see your progress, you can access the content via the footer in any related emails that you receive.

To learn more about Marsh Monitoring please review the website at as well as the Great Lakes Marsh Monitor Position Description which is available on line and will be included with your first email from us.  These two documents will give you a sound idea what the program is about and help you decide if this volunteer opportunity is right for you.

To learn more about available survey routes visit‌glmmpmap (manual key in the link).
Green dots are completely assigned.  Red dots are available for birds and amphibian surveyors. 
Purple/Pink dots are is available for birds only.  Blue dots are available for amphibians only. 

Click on the dots for additional details.  If you are in an area where no routes are located there will be two reasons 1) A lack of marshes or 2) no one has set up a marsh yet.  In these areas, you can establish a route on any marsh that is available.  For more information on establishing a new route just check out the Route Establishment Factsheet that is included in the General Email you have/will receive.
* indicates required
What do you like to be called?
( ) -
We mail you your materials so please ensure we have a correct mailing address including unit numbers
Please provide Route ID, name or basic area.
The training MP3 files for birds and amphibians and the broadcast for birds will need to be downloaded.
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